
We’re Growing Hope Globally!

More than 735 million people in this world do not have enough to eat.
4 out of 5 of the world’s poor live in rural areas and depend on farming to feed their families.
We believe in a world of plenty, no person should go hungry.

  • Lasting Impact

    We help subsistence farmers grow their own food and earn an income. When people have the tools and training to take charge of their futures, positive change not only happens — it lasts.

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  • Growing Projects

    Through our unique Growing Project model, U.S. farmers work with their churches and surrounding communities to become part of the solution — raising money and awareness to end world hunger.

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  • Food Security

    When all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs for an active and healthy life. Learn how families are ending their struggle with hunger through agricultural development.

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  • Our Roots

    Founded as Foods Resource Bank in 1999, we’ve helped more than 2 million people in need help themselves. Our new name—Growing Hope Globally —captures the spirit of our mission and breadth of our impact.

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Make a Lasting Difference in the World

With Growing Hope you can be a part of a solution that touches the lives of people around the world and breaks the cycle of hunger and poverty that limits them. Many hands do make light work... and your hands or small donation will make a long-term difference in the lives of the people we are reaching. We wouldn’t be who we are without our fantastic volunteers. Thank you for your time and for being such a blessing.

Upcoming Trip

February 9-15, 2025 | Senegal Fatick

On this trip we will be visiting the Senegal Fatick program, which began in 2024 and is implemented by World Renew and local partner Église Luthérienne du Sénégal (Lutheran Church […]

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Latest News

  1. Always Better Together

    The women in the remote Northern community of Nueva Aurora know that their differences are not as important as that which makes them stronger: their determination and unity in the […]

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  2. Iron-Rich Beans for Health & Income

    Edisa’s family is benefiting in several important ways from the training she received from local partner Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) Kigezi-Ankole Pastorate. She joined a Farmer Field School and […]

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  3. Progress Can Still Happen Amid Turmoil and Chaos

    By diversifying their livelihoods, 222 families in the program were able to meet their basic needs during the first quarter of the year. They were able to increase their resilience […]

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