Improving Family, Community and Environmental Health
Families participating in the Macuelizo program in Honduras – the country with the highest propensity for natural disaster in the world! – discuss some of the ways their lives have improved with support from local partner CASM.
The Ramirez family says that “CASM is the first organization that has directly helped families in our community. Ever. We have especially benefited from adopting techniques for contour farming on slopes, and other conservation agriculture practices. We feel encouraged to grow healthy foods and make changes to our home hygiene so our children can grow up strong and well.”
The Garcías say, “CASM has helped us diversify the crops we are growing, in a way that’s not harmful to the environment. Today we learned how to make organic fertilizer [pictured]. We’ve harvested more, and the food we eat is varied and more nutritious. This program increases our faith and confidence.”
The head of the Melara family comments on the support and encouragement his community has received on approaching their municipal government for infrastructure: “ As a leader of the community, it brings me great joy to see the completion of our aqueduct repair project. Now we are able to improve sanitation in the community, reduce the spread of illness and supply clean water to people’s homes.”
And the Mejía family speaks for all when they say, “God bless those who donated to this program!”
Honduras Macuelizo
Led by Church World Service and Local Partner CASM