
Have you considered making a legacy gift?

Leave A Lasting Legacy

Making a legacy gift to Growing Hope Globally is a great way to share your love for your global neighbors. Every legacy gift, regardless of amount, will make a lasting difference in the lives of those living in hunger.  Together we can continue growing lasting solutions to hunger for years to come.


“For nearly 20 years I’ve worked to respond to world hunger as part of a Growing Project. It gives me great satisfaction knowing that I’ve been part of something that’s making a difference. Knowing that maybe a few less kids went to bed hungry or maybe some farmer in another country didn’t have to face a lean year when the weather didn’t work out right. This is another way for me to use the blessings I’ve received during my life to keep being a part of that work.”

-Arlyn Schipper, Conrad, IA



“From a very early age, farming has been in my blood.  I farmed wherever there was space in the driveway to play ‘farm’.  Since those toddler years on the struggling but happy family farm, this became the profession God laid on my heart.

After over 50 years of turning the soil for real, and now in our retirement, we have decided to give back out of God’s goodness so as to help bless others through Growing Hope Globally. What better way to share those blessings than by giving to those who till the land in other parts of the globe? In doing so, we can open the door to share Christ and his love, which is the most important “crop” we can plant.  We have the joy and responsibility to plant and then trust God for an abundant harvest.

– Pat & Jerry Clark, Alma, MI

What is A Legacy Gift?

A legacy gift is a planned future donation, given through a will or another form of designation. It is a decision that each person makes in their own financial planning process. Some make legacy gifts to ensure their memory lives on. For others, it’s a way to facilitate the tax implications that come with the transfer of one’s estate to surviving relatives. For others it’s a way to ensure that the causes they care about are able to continue doing their important work. Legacy giving is not just for the wealthy. We can help you find a legacy giving option that is appropriate for you.

Types of legacy gifts:

Give Now

  • Securities: Donate appreciated stocks with long-term gains to Growing Hope Globally to avoid capital gains taxes. You can also take a charitable deduction for the stock’s full value.
  • Real Estate: Transfer the burden of managing a property and the expense of taxes by giving a gift of real estate to Growing Hope Globally

Give Later

  • Bequests: Maintain full control of your resources during your lifetime and reduce your taxable estate by remembering Growing Hope Globally in your will or living trust
  • Retirement Plan Assets: By naming Growing Hope Globally as the beneficiary of your retirement account, such as a 401(k) or IRA, you can avoid passing on heavy income and estate taxes to your heirs.
  • Life Insurance: Earn an immediate income tax deduction and a possible premium deduction by designating Growing Hope Globally as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy
  • Charitable Gift Annuities & Charitable Remainder Trusts: Provide a lifetime income to you and/or a loved one and earn a current income tax deduction with a gift of cash or property to Growing Hope Globally

The Hope Fund

What is The Hope Fund?

The Hope Fund is an opportunity to invest in the longterm success of Growing Hope Globally. It is based on the biblical story of Joseph. God gave him the wisdom and leadership to store up grain during the years of plenty so that when the lean years came, the people would survive.

If you believe in our mission, we hope you will consider making a special gift during years of plenty, or including Growing Hope Globally in your estate planning. Your unrestricted gift to The Hope Fund will help to provide financial stability and ensure that both Growing Hope Globally and the people we serve can continue to grow and thrive and make a lasting impact in our local communities and around the world. Together we can continue growing lasting solutions to hunger for years to come.

How does it work?

The Hope Fund will be invested in accordance with Growing Hope Globally’s Investment Policy. Interest, dividends and capital appreciation will be reinvested, continuing to grow the fund. Up to 20% of the total Hope Fund account balance may be paid out each year at the discretion of the Growing Hope Globally Board of Directors.

How will it be used?

These funds will typically be used for general operating expenses, but may be used for overseas programs or special opportunities for organizational growth with the approval of the board.

Make a gift or learn more

For more information, speak with our CEO or your local Regional Director, or contact us:

Donations gratefully received:
P.O. Box 5628, Carol Stream, IL 60197-5628

Let us know about your plans

We want to ensure that your gift can be used in a way that honors your intentions and leaves the greatest impact possible.

Please let us know about your plans by filling out our Legacy Gift Designation form.


It may be helpful to review our Gift Acceptance Policy as you plan your legacy gift.


Contact Lori O’Neil loneil@growinghopeglobally.org with questions or to discuss your plans.

We have partnered with Raymond James to assist with all gifts of stock.

Disclaimer: Growing Hope Globally is not qualified to offer legal or tax advice.  Please discuss all estate planning with your personal financial, tax and legal advisors.

Including Growing Hope Globally in your will or trust?  Use this sample bequest language to get started.

I hereby give and devise to Growing Hope Globally (Tax I.D. #54-1940516), a non-profit located in Western Springs, IL,  the sum of $___ ; OR an amount equal to ___ percent of the net value of my estate; OR all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate; for [PURPOSE]

Want to learn more?  Watch our recent webinar on Legacy Giving
