Working Her Way Out of Poverty
Hasina’s constant search for ways to earn a steady income has finally met with success, now that she has joined the program run by local partner SATHI.
She took out a small loan from her Self-Help Group (SHG) to start a poultry business, but opted to raise poultry in the traditional way. After struggling with poor results, she requested and received training on poultry management, vaccination, and marketing.
Armed with these new skills, she borrowed $115 to build a chicken coop and start her new business in earnest. At the same time, she began to cultivate vegetables in the unused fields around her house, using the organic composting and Integrated Pest Management techniques suggested by SATHI.
Hasina is thrilled with the results. “Now I have about 1,500 chickens on my own farm. My husband is no longer working as a day laborer but helps me manage the farm. We get a good profit out of it. Now that we are growing so many different types of vegetables, we’re able to meet the nutritional demands of our family, and whatever we don’t need we can sell in the market. We are grateful to SATHI and their supporters for helping poor people like us find a way out of poverty.”
Bangladesh Kendua Program
Led by World Renew and Local Partner SATHI