Farm Improvement, Self Improvement
Though she’s not anywhere near where she wants to be, Jayka has come a long way since local partner NEICORD (North East India Committee on Relief and Development) came to her village in 2022.
Jayka, a young farmer who depends entirely on agriculture as a source of nutrition and income, has seen her share of tragedy. Her parents died before she married, and she assumed full responsibility for her three younger siblings. Then her husband was killed in a car accident only a few years into their marriage, so she once again became the sole breadwinner for the family.
What she knew about farming she learned from her parents before they died. As a woman, she did not have much time or opportunity to explore other farming systems, so she continued to practice the traditional methods that kept the family in poverty. When NEICORD offered training for women to improve their know-how, she was all in. She and nine other women formed a farmer group, and Jayka was elected secretary despite knowing little about record keeping. They knew she’d receive instruction. With practice, she gained confidence and is now maintaining all her group’s records.
The group meets weekly to discuss farming, save money together and participate in agriculture workshops. She and the leaders from other groups get special training, work together, and encourage the members of their respective groups to participate in activities. The women in Jayka’s group are happy with the way the group functions. Most importantly, they express the joy of meeting together every week to save, plan and support each other.
Jayka is now practicing the improved methods of farming promoted by the program. She cultivates vegetables in her field and kitchen garden, and she and her family enjoy better health through nutritional diversity. Income from the sale of her excess produce supports their other basic needs. Though what she earns is still not sufficient, Jayka is determined to continue expanding her production so she can improve the household and provide better educational opportunities for her siblings.
India Dimoria Program
Led by World Renew and Local Partner North East India Committee on Relief and Development (NEICORD)