
Iron-Rich Beans for Health & Income

Edisa’s family is benefiting in several important ways from the training she received from local partner Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) Kigezi-Ankole Pastorate. She joined a Farmer Field School and became skilled at a variety of Conservation Agriculture techniques aimed at enabling area farmers to deal appropriately with their changing climate, soil depletion, and more.

After learning about composting and mulching to improve soil fertility and retain moisture, Edisa received 4.5 pounds of iron-rich-bean seeds from her farmer group, which she planted on less than a quarter of an acre of land. She was thrilled when her first harvest last year yielded 33 pounds of beans.

She sold 22 pounds to cover the high school fees of her daughter Aguma, and kept some back for planting the following season.

“My family and I have been enjoying fresh iron-rich beans. We also cook some of the leaves before the beans mature, and our health has significantly improved with this nutritious addition to our diet,” she said.

“I have been preparing and using compost ever since I was trained by PAG, and it has helped me achieve increased yields in other crops I’ve been growing compared to the years before PAG’s training,” she added.

She’s grateful to PAG for introducing iron-rich beans to her village, improving food security and health, and training them on composting, which has led to better crop yields for her and her neighbors.

Uganda Rubanda Program
Led by World Renew and Local Partner Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) Kigezi-Ankole Pastorate

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