Brothers and Sisters of Different Faiths Face Challenges Together in Mexico
In addition to receiving training on climate-sensitive agriculture techniques, program participants are finding common ground with people of other faiths and genders.
In Southern Mexico politicians have used religion to divide communities. These divisions make it almost impossible for small communities to successfully organize and access government services like clean water or health services. But now, through this program, a majority of the families report positive experiences within their working groups in terms of communication, coexistence, listening, and sharing ideas and opinions with others.
Now, brothers and sisters are facing the same challenges together. One woman farmer, Otelina says, “As a Catholic, it was unthinkable for me to live with Evangelicals because I saw them as contrary to my beliefs. But when I started going to workshops with people of different faiths, I realized that we are all children of the same God. Now I feel happy because I no longer see them as enemies but as brothers and sisters.”
Poverty and climate disruption make it difficult to raise enough food to support their families. Therefore, local partner INESIN gives training in conservation agriculture, rainwater harvesting, patio gardening, healthy cooking, the use of medicinal plants, community organizing, and leadership skills. Working as one, communities are stronger now.
Thanks to your generosity and support:
• Local partner INESIN leads workshops in agriculture, human development, gardening and nutrition
• Community members work together toward a common goal and set aside their differences
• Diversifying grains and vegetables means families have food throughout the year
Mexico Chiapas Ocosingo Program
Led by Mennonite Central Committee and Local Partner INESIN