Farm Broadcasting Gets the Word Out
An innovative aspect of this program dedicated to improving nutrition and food security is the use of radio talk shows and public-service announcements to promote good farming practices. Over the airwaves, the staff of local partner PAG discusses key techniques for restoring soil fertility and stability, so important in this over-farmed, hilly region of Uganda subject to mudslides and climate change.
The emphasis of these popular broadcasts is on sustainable Conservation Agriculture practices such as mulching, minimum tillage, use of local “green manure” cover crops, fertilizing with manure, agroforestry and contouring on the sloping land. The call-in segments of the shows allow farmers to ask specific questions about overcoming certain challenges they might face on their own farms.
Additionally, in order to get the word out to the maximum number of people, the program conducts farmer training sessions and capacity development using Extension Volunteers, community and church leaders, and demonstration gardens. Whatever it takes to improve the results of this community of hard-working farmers.
Potato farmer Clever says, “Before I joined the PAG program, I had miserable yields. There was a season when I planted one 220-lb bag of Irish potatoes and harvested only three bags, a terrible disappointment. With PAG I learned how to select Irish potatoes seeds for planting and sale, pest and disease management, and good agronomic practices like timely planting and correct fertilizer application. I embraced and used everything I learned. The next year I planted 1.33 bags of well-selected Irish potato seeds and harvested 13 bags. I sold eight at a profit, and reserved the remaining five for replanting.”
Uganda Rubanda Program
Led by World Renew and Local Partner Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) Uganda Kigezi-Ankole Pastorate