Back to the Farm, This Time for Good
When Rom heard that a non-profit was working to assist farmers near her village, she made a life-changing decision and went back home to her little girl. A widowed rice farmer, she’d been forced to leave her daughter with her mother and head for the city to try to earn enough for them to survive.
Rom first worked in back-breaking construction jobs, then in a garment factory, but she ended up spending nearly as much as she made, on room rent, food, utilities and other basics. Working far away from home made her unhappy, insecure, and homesick, so when her relatives told her about the World Renew program, she jumped at the chance to be with her daughter and make another go at farming.
Rom asked to learn farm production techniques from a successful multi-purpose farmer trained by the program. She was accepted because her family was poor. It became clear she was also 100% committed to becoming a successful farmer through environmentally-friendly agriculture and animal husbandry practices. In addition to improving her rice production, she grew a variety of vegetables, built pens for chickens and ducks, and adhered to sound technical principles of poultry raising. She was soon producing more than enough for her family’s needs, so she started selling the rest.
This year Rom joined an advanced farmer group, working closely with other advanced farmers to market her produce in nearby community shops, schools and restaurants. She sometimes even has enough extra to sell at the district market. Her farm is not only covering her family’s nutritional needs but bringing in a good income.
Rom is grateful to be able to stay in her village to look after her daughter and get her in school. She’s encouraging her to finish high school and get technical skills to ensure a brighter future.
Cambodia South
Led by World Renew and Local Partners KADRA and OREDA