From Subsistence to Sustainability
Mr. Drosing and his family of ten have always depended on agriculture for food and income, but it wasn’t until he joined the Umsning program in 2015 that farming became a passion for him … and a good living.
He got 27 other farmers in his village to form a Farmers Club so they could begin receiving training on innovations in agriculture such as composting, producing a variety of vegetables in kitchen gardens and raising livestock. The group also learned methods for growing rice more effectively and farming their sloping land by using hedgerows of nitrogen fixing trees. By putting these lessons into practice, they becgan to increase their families’ nutritional intake and what they could earn at market.
Mr. Drosing went from subsistence farming in the traditional ways to diversifying his farm with grains, livestock, and vegetables. He has also learned the principles of leadership, bookkeeping and accounting, and now has contacts in different technical departments to enhance his animal husbandry skills. Buying four pigs and three goats has further increased his profits, helping his family to raise their standard of living and meet their basic needs.
“I am very grateful to NEICORD (local partner) for giving me this opportunity to enhance my farming skills and make a sustainable living,” said Mr. Drosing.
India Umsning Program
Led by World Renew and Local Partner NEICORD