
Getting Ahead of Debt and Disappointments

Joining the Nepal Jahada program’s vegetable farming group was the beginning of the end of Mr. Hembram’s overwhelming burdens. With a family of seven depending on him (including his wife, children, and parents), he twice attempted to earn a better income by growing eggplant but, without technical advice, he was unable to turn a profit. The family ran into further debt when his grandmother became ill and needed a lengthy hospitalization, then burial.

Right around that time the field staff of local partner BICWS was visiting Mr. Hembram’s community to discuss a new project. He immediately joined the vegetable farming group they offered. He says, “I have attended many classes and training sessions since then. I’ve learned about growing vegetables, making compost fertilizer and protecting plants from pests. The business plan development training has been very useful to me for planning my vegetable farming in a professional way.”

His family is already better off, growing and eating the fresh vegetables and earning income from the sale of their excess produce. With his savings he plans to expand his farm, pay off the loan incurred by his grandmother’s illness and death, build a brick house and, best of all, invest in his children’s education.

Mr. Hembram’s message to those who have supported his efforts is simple: “I want to thank you for helping me.”

Nepal Jahada Program
Led by Mennonite Central Committee and Local Partner Brethren in Community Welfare Society

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