Passing On The Blessing
Ross Johnson’s family and community, has been involved in the Oxford, Pennsylvania Growing Project since 2010. Their Growing Project rotated corn, soybeans, and hay on a nineteen-acre field until 2018, when a new church was built on the land they were using. Ross’s family has since volunteered their land so the Growing Project can continue.
The Johnson family shares a strong bond over their land and farming operation. Ross’s father has always been a big advocate of the Growing Project. He appreciated the saying, “You won’t be remembered for what you gathered, but rather for what you scattered” and tried to live accordingly. When he passed away in April, the community came together to celebrate the contributions he made for others over his lifetime. Ross says, “One of his satisfactions was knowing that the farm was in good hands. It had been a blessing to him all these years, and he was able to pass that blessing on to other people.”
We are thankful for families like the Johnson’s who are willing to share their harvest. Their efforts have been a blessing to farmers scattered across the globe.