Success With Shallots Brings Increased Income
With training and support from the World Hope International (WHI) Livelihoods Team on growing shallots, Mr. Tearo and his wife Srey achieved a remarkable 43% net increase in their income with their first harvest.
As farmers in an isolated community, Tearo and Srey struggled to access markets for higher-value crops. They lacked market connections and the skill to grow crops to the standard that high-value markets require. While they had always grown vegetables, they used traditional practices and had never had the opportunity for training to improve their knowledge and skills.
After receiving instruction in a variety of sustainable agricultural techniques and learning about higher-value crops, Tearo expressed interest in growing shallots. In a four-month period he harvested 2,315 lbs. of shallots and, with market connections facilitated by WHI, was able to get a good price for his produce.
And although he’d started out as one of the lower-skilled farmers in the program, close coaching and monitoring by the Livelihoods Team contributed to his success. He got the highest yield of all the farmers who tried out this new crop. As a result, WHI organized a field visit to his farm so that other farmers could see the good results that can come when you follow production protocols correctly.
Tearo and Srey used the profit from shallot growing to buy more seed and fertilizer for their farm. They also opened a small shop in their village, bringing in extra income and saving their neighbors time-consuming trips to the nearest town for necessities.
Cambodia Mondulkiri Program
Led by World Hope International