
How To Make Your Gift of Grain

When you support Growing Hope Globally, you make a difference in the lives of farmers around the world. Your gift makes it possible for our partners to provide farmers with the agricultural training and tools needed to increase harvests, earn extra income, and provide enough food to eat year-round.

Gifts of grain are a great way to support this work. If you wish to make a gift, please follow the steps below and consult your trusted tax advisor. There are limitations and Growing Hope Globally cannot provide tax advice.

  1. Deliver the grain along with the Authorization to Sell letter to your local grain handling facility (advance notice is preferred). The letter on the following page instructs them to transfer title ownership of the grain to Growing Hope Globally. You are not selling the grain. Make sure you receive a copy of the delivery ticket confirming transfer of ownership of the grain to Growing Hope Globally.
  2. Contact us at admin@growinghopeglobally.org to let us know that you have made a gift of grain. Please provide us with the following information so we can keep track of your donation.
  • Name of the grain handling facility and delivery ticket number
  • Your name, phone number and mailing address
  • If you wish to designate your gift through a Growing Project or to an overseas program, let us know. Visit Support a Program for a list of programs in need of funding.

Once funds are received, we will send you an acknowledgement of the gift, including its value. If you have any questions, please contact your local staff person or Lori O’Neil at (708) 574-4201 or loneil@growinghopeglobally.org

Give A Gift of Grain


Is there a grain handling facility in your area that might be interested in inviting local farmers to give gifts of grain? We have created a letter you can share that invites them to join us in this unique way. Participating facilities would be provided with posters like the one pictured here as well as information for interested farmers.

Letter To Grain Handling Facility
